Code documentation

Module collision_detect_react

kanapy.collision_detect_react.collision_react(E1, E2)[source]

Evaluates and modifies the magnitude and direction of the ellipsoid’s velocity after collision.

  • E1 (object Ellipsoid) – Ellipsoid \(i\)

  • E2 (object Ellipsoid) – Ellipsoid \(j\)


Consider two ellipsoids \(i, j\) at collision. Let them occupy certain positions in space defined by the position vectors \(\mathbf{r}^{i}, \mathbf{r}^{j}\) and have certain velocities represented by \(\mathbf{v}^{i}, \mathbf{v}^{j}\) respectively. The objective is to find the velocity vectors after collision. The elevation angle \(\phi\) between the ellipsoids is determined by,


where \(dx, dy, dz\) are defined as the distance between the two ellipsoid centers along \(x, y, z\) directions given by,


Depending on the magnitudes of \(dx, dz\) as projected on the \(x-z\) plane, the angle \(\Theta\) is computed. The angles \(\Theta\) and \(\phi\) determine the in-plane and out-of-plane directions along which the ellipsoid \(i\) would bounce back after collision. Thus, the updated velocity vector components along the \(x, y, z\) directions are determined by,

kanapy.collision_detect_react.collision_routine(E1, E2)[source]

Calls the c++ method kanapy.base.collideDetect() to determine whether the given two ellipsoid objects overlap using the Algebraic separation condition developed by W. Wang et al. A detailed description is provided therein.

Also calls the collision_react() to evaluate the response after collision.

  • E1 (object Ellipsoid) – Ellipsoid \(i\)

  • E2 (object Ellipsoid) – Ellipsoid \(j\)


  1. If both the particles to be tested for overlap are spheres, then the bounding sphere hierarchy is sufficient to determine whether they overlap.

  2. Else, if either of them is an ellipsoid, then their coefficients, positions & rotation matrices are used to determine whether they overlap.

Pybind11 plugin

The lightweight header-only library pybind11 is used to create Python bindings for the code written in C++. The function can be complied individually using the command documented here.

kanapy.base.collideDetect(arg0: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]], arg1: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]], arg2: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]], arg3: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]], arg4: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]], arg5: numpy.ndarray[float32[m, n]]) → bool

C++ implementation of Algebraic separation condition developed by W. Wang et al. 2001 for overlap detection between two static ellipsoids.

  • arg0 (numpy array) – Coefficients of ellipsoid \(i\)

  • arg1 (numpy array) – Coefficients of ellipsoid \(j\)

  • arg2 (numpy array) – Position of ellipsoid \(i\)

  • arg3 (numpy array) – Position of ellipsoid \(j\)

  • arg4 (numpy array) – Rotation matrix of ellipsoid \(i\)

  • arg5 (numpy array) – Rotation matrix of ellipsoid \(j\)


True if ellipoids \(i, j\) overlap, else False

Return type



Ellipsoids in their standard form in their local coordinate systems are given by,


where \(a^i, a^j\) are the semi-major axis lengths, \(b^i, b^j\) and \(c^i, c^j\) are the semi-minor axes lengths. \(\mathbf{A}^{*i}\) and \(\mathbf{A}^{'j}\) in matrix form is given by,


The transformation from local coordinate systems \(\mathbf{e}_1^{*}\mathbf{e}_2^{*}\mathbf{e}_3^{*}\) and \(\mathbf{e}_1^{'}\mathbf{e}_2^{'}\mathbf{e}_3^{'}\) to global coordinate system \(\mathbf{E}_1\mathbf{E}_2\mathbf{E}_3\) is represented by, \(\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{M}^{i} \:\mathbf{X}^{*}\) and \(\mathbf{X} = \mathbf{M}^{j} \:\mathbf{X}^{'}\)

where \(\mathbf{M}^{i}\) and \(\mathbf{M}^{j}\) are transformation matrices that contain both rotation and translation components.


The equation of ellipsoids in global coordinate system is now given as: \(\mathbf{X}^{T} \mathbf{A}^{i} \mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{X}^{T} \mathbf{A}^{j} \mathbf{X}\) where,


The characteristic equation can now be written in the form,


The fourth order polynomial is solved and depending on the nature of the roots obtained the overlap or separation conditions between ellipsoids can be established as described in Overlap detection.

Module entities

class kanapy.entities.Cuboid(left, top, right, bottom, front, back)[source]

Bases: object

Creates Cuboid objects for ellipsoids and Octree sub-branches.

  • left (float) – Bounding box minimum along x

  • top (float) – Bounding box minimum along y

  • right (float) – Bounding box maximum along x

  • bottom (float) – Bounding box maximum along y

  • front (float) – Bounding box minimum along z

  • back (float) – Bounding box maximum along z


Evaluates whether the Cuboid object of the ellipsoid intersects with the Cuboid object of the Octree sub-branch.


other (object of the class Cuboid) – Sub-branch cuboid object of the octree


if intersection - True, else False

Return type


class kanapy.entities.Ellipsoid(iden, x, y, z, a, b, c, quat)[source]

Bases: object

Creates Ellipsoid objects for each ellipsoid generated from input statistics.

  • iden (integer) – ID of the ellipsoid

  • center (floats) – Position \((x, y, z)\) of the ellipsoid center in the simulation domain

  • coefficient (floats) – Semi-major and semin-minor axes lengths \((a, b, c)\) of the ellipsoid

  • quat (numpy array) – Quaternion representing ellipsoid’s axis and tilt angle with respect to the positive x-axis


  1. The orientations of ellipsoid \(i\) in the global coordinate space is defined by its tilt angle and axis vector and expressed in quaternion notation as,

  2. Ellipsoids are initilaized without a value for its velocity, and is later assigned a random value by kanapy.packing.particle_generator.

  3. An empty list for storing voxels belonging to the ellipsoid is initialized.


Generates the bounding box limits along x, y, z directions using the surface points from surfacePointsGen()

Return type

numpy array


Returns the coefficients array of the ellipsoid

Return type

numpy array


Returns the cuboid object of the ellipsoid

Return type

object of the class Cuboid


Returns the position array of the ellipsoid

Return type

numpy array


Returns the volume of the ellipsoid

Return type



Moves the ellipsoid downwards to mimick the effect of gravity acting on it


value (float) – User defined value for downward movement


The Cuboid object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves


Increases the size of the ellipsoid along its axes governed by the user defined value


factor (float) – Parameter that controls the total simulation time


Increment value is determined as the ratio of particle size to the total simulation time


Moves the ellipsoid by updating its position vector according to Eulerian integration method


The Cuboid object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves


Evaluates the rotation matrix for the ellipsoid using the quaternion

Return type

numpy array


Initializes an object of the class Cuboid using the bounding box limits from Bbox()


Generates points on the outer surface of the ellipsoid using the rotation matrix from rotationMatrixGen()

Return type

numpy array

wallCollision(sim_box, periodicity)[source]

Evaluates whether the ellipsoid collides with the boundaries of the simulation box.

  • If periodicity is enabled -> Creates duplicates of the ellipsoid on opposite faces of the box

  • If periodicity is disabled -> Mimicks the bouncing back effect.

  • sim_box (object of the class Simulation_Box) – Simulation box

  • periodicity (boolean) – Status of periodicity


if periodic - ellipsoid duplicates, else None

Return type



The Cuboid object of the ellipsoid has to be updated everytime it moves

class kanapy.entities.Octree(level, cub, particles=[])[source]

Bases: object

Creates Octree objects for tree trunk and its sub-branches.

  • level (int) – Current level of the Octree

  • cub (object of the class Cuboid) – Cuboid object of the tree trunk / sub-branches

  • particles (list) – Particles within the tree trunk / sub-branches


  1. level is set to zero for the trunk of the Octree.

  2. cub should be entire simulation box for the tree trunk.

  3. particles list contains all the ellipsoids in the simulation domain for the tree trunk.


Update the particle list of the Octree sub-branch


Tests for collision between all ellipsoids in the particle list of a particular Octree sub-branch


Returns the cuboid object of the octree sub-branch

Return type

object Cuboid


Divides the given Octree sub-branch into eight further sub-branches and initializes each newly created sub-branch as an Octree object


Evaluates whether ellipsoids belong to a particular Octree sub-branch by calling intersect() on each ellipsoid.


Updates the Octree and begins the recursive process of subdividing or collision testing

class kanapy.entities.Simulation_Box(w, h, d)[source]

Bases: object

Creates Simulation_Box objects for the defined simulation domain.

  • w (float) – width

  • h (float) – height

  • d (float) – depth of the simulation domain


Splits cuboid object of the class Cuboid into eight smaller cuboid objects


cub (object of the class Cuboid) – Branch cuboid object containing ellipsoids


Eight new sub-branch cuboid objects in a list

Return type


Module input_output


Creates an RVE based on user-defined statistics


inputFile (document) – User-defined statistics file for ellipsoid generation.


  1. Input parameters provided by the user in the input file are:

  • Standard deviation for ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Log-normal distribution)

  • Mean value of ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Log-normal distribution)

  • Minimum and Maximum cut-offs for ellipsoid equivalent diameters

  • Mean value for aspect ratio

  • Mean value for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)

  • Standard deviation for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)

  • Side dimension of the RVE

  • Discretization along the RVE sides

  1. Particle, RVE and simulation data are written as JSON files in a folder in the current working directory for later access.

  • Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.

  • RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.

  • Simulation attributes such as periodicity and output unit scale (\(mm\) or \(\mu m\)) for ABAQUS .inp file.


Evaluates the grain volume and the grain boundary shared surface area between neighbouring grains and writes them to ‘grainVolumes.csv’ & ‘shared_surfaceArea.csv’ files.


  1. RVE grain information is read from the (.json) files generated by kanapy.voxelization.voxelizationRoutine().

  2. The grain volumes written to the ‘grainVolumes.csv’ file are sorted in ascending order of grain IDs. And the values are written in either \(mm\) or \(\mu m\) scale, as requested by the user in the input file.

  3. The shared surface area written to the ‘shared_surfaceArea.csv’ file are in either \(mm\) or \(\mu m\) scale, as requested by the user in the input file.


Evaluates the L1-error between the particle- and output RVE grain statistics with respect to Major, Minor & Equivalent diameters.


  1. Particle information is read from (.json) file generated by kanapy.input_output.particleStatGenerator(). And RVE grain information is read from the (.json) files generated by kanapy.voxelization.voxelizationRoutine().

  2. The L1-error value is written to the ‘output_statistics.json’ file.

kanapy.input_output.particleCreator(inputFile, periodic='True', units='mm')[source]

Generates ellipsoid particles based on user-defined inputs.


inputFile (document) – User-defined grain informationfile for ellipsoid generation.


  1. Input parameters provided by the user in the input file are:

  • Grain major diameter (\(\mu m\))

  • Grain minor diameter (\(\mu m\))

  • Grain’s major axis tilt angle (degrees) with respect to the +ve X-axis (horizontal axis)

  1. Other user defined inputs: Periodicity & output units format (\(mm\) or \(\mu m\)). Default values: periodicity=True & units= \(\mu m\).

  2. Particle, RVE and simulation data are written as JSON files in a folder in the current working directory for later access.

  • Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.

  • RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.

  • Simulation attributes such as total number of timesteps, periodicity and Output unit scale (\(mm\) or \(\mu m\)) for ABAQUS .inp file.


Generates ellipsoid size distribution (Log-normal) based on user-defined statistics


inputFile (document) – User-defined statistics file for ellipsoid generation.


  1. Input parameters provided by the user in the input file are:

  • Standard deviation for ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Normal distribution)

  • Mean value of ellipsoid equivalent diameter (Normal distribution)

  • Minimum and Maximum cut-offs for ellipsoid equivalent diameters

  • Mean value for aspect ratio

  • Mean value for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)

  • Standard deviation for ellipsoid tilt angles (Normal distribution)

  • Side dimension of the RVE

  • Discretization along the RVE sides

  1. Particle, RVE and simulation data are written as JSON files in a folder in the current working directory for later access.

  • Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.

  • RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.

  • Simulation attributes such as periodicity and output unit scale (\(mm\) or \(\mu m\)) for ABAQUS .inp file.


Evaluates particle- and output RVE grain statistics with respect to Major, Minor & Equivalent diameters and plots the distributions


1. Particle information is read from (.json) file generated by kanapy.input_output.particleStatGenerator(). And RVE grain information is read from the (.json) files generated by kanapy.voxelization.voxelizationRoutine().


Reads the (.dump) file to extract information for voxelization (meshing) routine


dump_file (document) – Contains information of ellipsoids generated in the packing routine.


  • Cuboid object that represents the RVE.

  • List of ellipsoid objects that represent the grains.

Return type

Tuple of python objects (Cuboid, Ellipsoid)


Creates an ABAQUS input file with microstructure morphology information in the form of nodes, elements and element sets.


  1. JSON files generated by kanapy.voxelization.voxelizationRoutine() are read to generate the ABAQUS (.inp) file. The json files contain:

    • Node ID and its corresponding coordinates

    • Element ID with its nodal connectivities

    • Element sets representing grains (Assembly of elements)

  2. The nodal coordinates are written out in \(mm\) or \(\mu m\) scale, as requested by the user in the input file.

kanapy.input_output.write_dump(Ellipsoids, sim_box, num_particles)[source]

Writes the (.dump) file, which can be read by visualization software OVITO.

  • Ellipsoids (list) – Contains information of ellipsoids such as its position, axes lengths and tilt angles

  • sim_box (Cuboid) – Contains information of the dimensions of the simulation box

  • num_particles (int) – Total number of ellipsoids in the simulation box


This function writes (.dump) files containing simulation domain and ellipsoid attribute information.


Evaluates particle- and output RVE grain statistics with respect to Major, Minor & Equivalent diameters for comparison and writes them to ‘output_statistics.json’ file.


  1. Particle information is read from (.json) file generated by kanapy.input_output.particleStatGenerator(). And RVE grain information is read from the (.json) files generated by kanapy.voxelization.voxelizationRoutine().

  2. The particle and grain diameter values are written in either \(mm\) or \(\mu m\) scale, as requested by the user in the input file.


Reads the (.dump) file to extract information and ouputs the position and weight files for tessellation.


file_num (int) – Simulation time step for which position and weights output.


  1. Applicable only to spherical particles.

  2. The generated ‘sphere_positions.txt’ and ‘sphere_weights.txt’ files can be inputted into NEPER for tessellation and meshing.

  3. The values of positions and weights are written in \(\mu m\) scale only.

Module packing


The main function that controls the particle packing routine using: particle_grow() & particle_generator()


Particle, RVE and simulation data are read from the JSON files generated by kanapy.input_output.particleStatGenerator(). They contain the following information:

  • Ellipsoid attributes such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.

  • RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution.

  • Simulation attributes such as total number of timesteps and periodicity.

kanapy.packing.particle_generator(particle_data, sim_box)[source]

Initializes ellipsoids by assigning them random positions and speeds within the simulation box.

  • particle_data (Python dictionary) – Ellipsoid information such as such as Major, Minor, Equivalent diameters and its tilt angle.

  • sim_box (entities.Simulation_Box) – Simulation box representing RVE.


Ellipsoids for the packing routine

Return type


kanapy.packing.particle_grow(sim_box, Ellipsoids, periodicity, nsteps)[source]

Initializes the entities.Octree class and performs recursive subdivision with collision checks and response for the ellipsoids. At each time step of the simulation it increases the size of the ellipsoid by a factor, which depends on the user-defined value for total number of time steps.

  • sim_box (entities.Simulation_Box) – Simulation box representing RVE.

  • Ellipsoids (list) – Ellipsoids for the packing routine.

  • periodicity (boolean) – Status of periodicity.

  • nsteps (int) – Total simulation steps.


kanapy.input_output.write_dump() function is called at each time step of the simulation to write output (.dump) files. By default, periodic images are written to the output file, but this option can be disabled within the function.

Module voxelization

kanapy.voxelization.assign_voxels_to_ellipsoid(cooDict, Ellipsoids, elmtDict)[source]

Determines voxels belonging to each ellipsoid

  • cooDict (Python dictionary) – Voxel dictionary containing voxel IDs and center coordinates.

  • Ellipsoids (list) – Ellipsoids from the packing routine.

  • elmtDict (Python dictionary) – Element dictionary containing element IDs and nodal connectivities.

kanapy.voxelization.create_voxels(sim_box, voxNums)[source]

Generates voxels inside the defined RVE (Simulation box)

  • sim_box (entities.Cuboid) – Simulation box representing RVE dimensions

  • voxNums (tuple of int) – Number of voxels along the RVE sides X, Y & Z


  • Node dictionary containing node ID and coordinates.

  • Element dictionary containing element IDs and nodal connectivities.

  • Voxel dictionary containing voxel ID and center coordinates.

Return type

Tuple of Python dictionaries.

kanapy.voxelization.points_in_convexHull(Points, hull)[source]

Determines whether the given array of points lie inside the convex hull or outside.

  • Points (numpy array) – Array of points to be tested whether they lie inside the hull or not.

  • hull (Scipy’s ConvexHull object) – Ellipsoid represented by a convex hull created from its outer surface points.


Boolean values representing the status. If inside: True, else False

Return type

numpy array

kanapy.voxelization.reassign_shared_voxels(cooDict, Ellipsoids)[source]

Assigns shared voxels between ellipsoids to the ellispoid with the closest center.

  • cooDict (Python dictionary) – Voxel dictionary containing voxel IDs and center coordinates.

  • Ellipsoids (list) – Ellipsoids from the packing routine.


The main function that controls the voxelization routine using: kanapy.input_output.read_dump(), create_voxels() , assign_voxels_to_ellipsoid(), reassign_shared_voxels()


  1. The RVE attributes such as RVE (Simulation domain) size, the number of voxels and the voxel resolution is read by loading the JSON file that is generated by kanapy.input_output.read_dump().

  2. The following dictionaries are written as json files into a folder in the current working directory.

  • Node dictionary containing node IDs and coordinates.

  • Element dictionary containing element ID and nodal connectivities.

  • Element set dictionary containing element set ID and group of elements each representing a grain of the RVE.

Module analyze_texture


Evaluates if Kanapy has been configured for texture analysis by reading the ‘PATHS.json’ file if it exists.


Reads the number of grains generated in the RVE by kanapy’s geometry module. Or requests the user to provide the number, which will be used for reduced orientation evaluation.


wd (String) – Path to the current working directory.


Reads the grain volume information generated by kanapy’s geometry module. If the file is missing, it requests the user to provide this file, which will be used by the orientation assignment algorithm.


wd (String) – Path to the current working directory.


Reads the grain boundary shared surface area information generated by kanapy’s geometry module. If the file is missing, it requests the user to provide this file, which will be used by the orientation assignment algorithm.


wd (String) – Path to the current working directory.


Reads the grain volume information generated by kanapy’s geometry module. If the file is missing, it requests the user to provide this file, which will be used by the orientation assignment algorithm.

Also calls kanapy’s MATLAB functions to evaluate the ODF reconstruction with/without orientation assignment.


kdict (Python dictionary object) – Key-value pairs of the user specified input to the CLI command: kanapy reducetexture